Wednesday 3 August 2016

Linear Time

Linear time is spacetime time and though it has no absolute existence, it has conditioned existence appropriate for this reality. Time doesn't move. Only non-motion events move relative to our bodies. Time doesn't go forward or backward. From our reference frame some events are perceived as past ones and some as future ones. Time isn't a straight line that starts somewhere and then continues on and on. Linear time happens when conditions are right. To make linear time a perception and belief, we have to see an object leave one location for ano- ther one. Our mind will see the event where that object was at its first location as a past event or memory. Time before time is incoherent.  Linear time past-to-present-to-future happens inside Always Now and is just a perceptual illusion that takes place when the right condi- tions are there.  All we need is to perceive an object traveling from one location to another so that the location it left is perceived as a past event. This is perceived from our particular reference frame. Cause and effect is a chain reaction. The chain isn't growing links as our body grows. The chain is in one piece. We can't see the whole chain. When we're in a body we see a chain link one at a time.  Although it looks like the links we've already existed with have gone into a past, they haven't. We moved further along the chain. Finite space is distance between locations. We don't need a past-present-future for its existence. Every moment has finite space. It's in a state of non-motion in Always Now.  Bodies don't stay at one particular moment event. It spins like a reel on a projector so that the frame-rate gives the illusion of motion and events going into a past. If linear time and finite distance can be proved to be conditioned and not absolute, how can you say awareness has a way to end?  Awareness is existence itself.

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